Reversed Feminine Joker Mask


The Mask is made from expensive fabrics, hand painted with acrylic paints and crafted by ceramic. It takes a lot of hours work and passion to create the piece of art like this.


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Reversed Feminine Joker Mask is a Beautiful Hand Made Mask by Vasiliki Savvani. The idea of this piece of art inspired from character of Joker, but instead of crazy and reckless, it turned out to be calm and feminine, which personifies beauty and serenity. The Mask is made from expensive fabrics, hand painted with acrylic paints and crafted by ceramic. Each piece Vasiliki makes with passion and love. More than 30 years have passed as a hobby become the meaning of her life.

Hundreds of homes around the world have a piece of art by Vasiliki they acquired on the island of Santorini in Greece. Now anybody can buy online as we have worldwide shipping.

Вес0.4 кг
Габариты28 × 21 × 10 см


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